Eric Cénat / Artistic Director - eric.cenat@orange.fr
Morgane Nory / Secretary General - admin@theatredelimprevu.com
Clémence Grenat / Production Assistant - communication@theatredelimprevu.com
Cécile Costa / Civic service - frankosceny@gmail.com

Created in 1986 by Éric Cénat, the Company is based in Orléans and affirms its artistic approach by giving it a line around words, those that give meaning and inscribe us in time and space. Thanks to them, we explore our past, understand our present and reflect on our future.
"Memory and story" : Through a coherent choice of themes addressed and shows mounted, through the adaptation for the stage of non-theatrical texts (novels, interviews, press articles, poems, testimonies, letters...), the Théâtre de l'Imprévu wishes to meet these beings, who by their life and their destiny, are privileged witnesses of their times. Our shows thus tell this moment i-where life changes, where the individual reveals himself and where daily life is turned upside down.
"Memory and song" : Musical theatre is a source of simple emotions, laughter, generosity, poetry, stage/hall intimacy, in short, pleasure. Pleasure for the actor and pleasure for the spectator. This specificity has also reinforced our desire for roaming. Roaming that has taken us from Parisian cabarets to the Avignon Festival, from village halls to national stages, from the villages and towns of our Centre Region to major European cities.
The artistic approach
Words are at the heart of our artistic approach.
In a society where image takes precedence and rubs shoulders with the ephemeral,
words give meaning and place us in time and space.
Through them we explore our past, understand our present and reflect on our future.
We look for words where they are found, where they serve emotion, thought and pleasure:
Play, testimony, interview, novel, letter, poem, song, journalistic writing…
On stage, the words then flow from our mouths.
The Theatre of the Unexpected in the Czech Republic
A European festival: the Frankoscény
Professional Franco-Czech creations
French-speaking workshops and courses
Theatrical creations in partnership with high school students
The company Le Théâtre de l'Imprévu is based in Orléans, France, but its creations cross borders. Artistic director and stage director Éric Cénat has been setting up projects in the Czech Republic for sixteen years now.
He works more particularly in the Pardubice region, within the framework of European cooperation between it and the French Centre-Val de Loire region.
These international actions aim to offer a different approach to learning French, through theatre, with in particular the Frankoscény festival , and reading aloud . These artistic practices of the French language allow us to understand it through precise pronunciation and elocution exercises, but whose objective goes beyond the simple mastery of the language itself.